Подскажите плиз что делать. Mandrake 10.1. Видяха GeForce 6600 Sparkle, дрова с nvidia.com NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7667-pkg1.run. При установке драйвера видяхи ругается:
No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel; would you li
ke the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel f
rom the NVIDIA ftp site
и далее :
-> Kernel module compilation complete.
ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.o'. This is most likely
because the kernel module was built using the wrong kernel source files.
Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your
kernel; on Red Hat Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the
'kernel-source' rpm installed. If you know the correct kernel source
files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the
'--kernel-source-path' commandline option.