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Дополнительные репозитарии к Redhat-Fedora

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Решил свести воедино информацию о репозитариях готовых пакетов.

Еще один сайт - http://www.fedoralegacy.org занимался поддержкой дистрибутивов после окончания срока их официальной поддержки Redhat. К сожалению в данный момент на главной странице висит информация о прекращении проекта, но пакеты остаются на зеркалах

http://freshrpms.net/ - еще один крупный репозитарий готовых пакетов.

Тип репозитария - apt.

Dries RPM Repository - пакеты для Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3-4, Fedora Core 1-6 и Aurora Linux 1.91-1.92.

Тип репозитария - smart, yum, apt.

Инструкции по подключению здесь

Dag RPM Repository - пакеты для Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1-5, Red Hat Linux 9, Red Hat Linux 7.3, Fedora Core Linux 4-6.

Тип репозитария - apt.

Инструкции по подключению здесь

Void Main's Red Hat/Fedora RPMS - пакеты для Fedora Core 1-6, Redhat 8-9. Тип репозитария - apt.

Официальный репозитарий GStreamer

Тип репозитария - apt,yum.

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По непонятной пока для меня причине объединение репозитариев core и extras в 7 федоре прошло непонятно Smile

core стал Fedora - аналогом инсталл DVD на 2 гига - а все остальное лежит в отдельном репозитарии Everything (например здесь http://ftp.univie.ac.at/systems/linux/fedora/releases/7/). Так что если хотите beryl и т.п. - все там. В Yum по умолчанию core настроен на Everything.

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Еще один репо для

RedHat 7.3 i386

RedHat 9 i386

Fedora 1 i386

Fedora 2 i386

Fedora 3 i386

Fedora 4 i386

Fedora 5 i386/ppc/ppc64

Fedora 6 i386

Fedora 7 i386

CentOS 2 (RHAS 2.1) i386

CentOS 3 (RHEL 3) i386

CentOS 4 (RHEL 4) i386/ppc/ppc64

CentOS 5 (RHEL 5) i386

AIX 5L v5.1 ppc

AIX 5L v5.2 ppc

AIX 5L v5.3 ppc


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Еще список неразобранный

2.2 KDE-Redhat

Provides packages only for KDE.

Homepage: http://kde-redhat.sourceforge.net/

Architecture: i386, x86_64 ( not all packages )

List of packages: i386, x86_64

Fedora release-rpm: http://apt.kde-redhat.org/apt/kde-redhat/fedora/kdeforge.rep o

2.6 Kwizart

Provides packages for various WLAN drivers ( also rare models ) and special software like hotkey- and ACPI drivers for various notebooks. It also contains packages for Freevo. Deemed compatible to the Livna repository.

Homepage: http://kwizart.free.fr/blog/

Architecture: i386, x86_64

List of packages: http://kwizart.free.fr/fedora/7/i386/repodata/

Fedora 7 release-rpm: http://kwizart.free.fr/fedora/kwizart-release-7.noarch.rpm

2.7 Adobe

Provides the proprietary Flash plugin.

Homepage: http://macromedia.mplug.org/

Architecture: i386

List of packages: http://macromedia.mplug.org/rpm/RPMS.macromedia/

Release-rpm: http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i 386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm

2.8 Suspend2

Provides packages for suspend2 - described as the Linux equivalent of Windows' hibernate functionality. Interesting for notebook users.

Homepage: http://mhensler.de/swsusp/index_en.php

Architecture: i386

List of packages: http://mhensler.de/swsusp/download/yum/fc7/

Repository-file: http://mhensler.de/swsusp/download/suspend2.repo

2.9 Gstreamer

Provides packages for gstreamer directly from the developers.

Homepage: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/

Architecture: i386, x86_64

List of packages: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/pkg/fedora/

Repository-file (gstreamer-deps): http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/gstreamer-0.10-dep s.repo

Repository-file (gstreamer-gst): http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/gstreamer-0.10-gst .repo

Repository-file (gstreamer-apps): http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/gstreamer-0.10-app s.repo

2.10 Freevo

Provides packages for the HTPC surface freevo.

Homepage: http://freevo.sourceforge.net/

Architecture: i386

From the Freevo wiki: "Currently Freevo RPMs for FC6/F7 are available from the kwizart repository, which is dependent on additional packages from rpm.livna.org.WARNING: You SHOULD NOT mix packages from Livna with those from FreshRPMs, as doing so will lead to RPM package conflicts and other dependency issues."

2.11 PlanetCCRMA

Provides packages for professional audio usage.

Homepage: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/

Architecture: i386

List of packages: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/pl anetccrma/7/i386/


rpm --import http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/RPM-GPG-KEY.planetccrm a.txt

Fedora 7 release-rpm: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/mirror/fedora/linux/pl anetccrma/7/i386/planetccrma-repo-1.0-3.fc7.ccrma.noarch.rpm

2.12 Dribble

Provides packages for different games and emulators. Depending on the Livna repository.

Homepage: http://dribble.org.uk/

Architecture: i386, x86_64, ppc

List of Packages: http://dribble.org.uk/listrpms9.html

Fedora 6/7 release-rpm: http://dribble.org.uk/repo/dribble-release-5-3.noarch.rpm

2.13 Dell (OMSA)

Provides packages for "Dell OpenManage Server Administrator" and other Dell packages (inofficial).

Homepage: http://linux.dell.com/yum/software/

Architecture: i386, x86_64

List of packages: http://linux.dell.com/repo/software/fc7/


wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/software/bootstrap.cgi | bash

Hardware-repository ( OMSA ):

wget -q -O - http://linux.dell.com/repo/hardware/bootstrap.cgi | bash

2.14 Didier

Provides packages for the window manager enlightenment E17 ( beta )

Homepage: http://sps.nus.edu.sg/~didierbe/index.html

Architecture: i386, x86_64 ( only Fedora 7 )

List of packages: i386, x86_64

Fedora 7 release-rpm: http://sps.nus.edu.sg/~didierbe/share/dc-f7-yum-repo-1.0-1.f c7.noarch.rpm

2.15 Jpackage

Provides many packages for java applications.

Homepage: http://jpackage.org/

Architecture: noarch

List of packages: http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/jpackage/1.6/generic/free/repodata /

Repository-file: http://jpackage.org/jpackage.repo

2.16 Skype

Provides Skype ( currently v1.4.x beta ).

Homepage: http://www.skype.com/




name=Skype Repository


gpgkey= http://www.skype.com/products/skype/linux/rpm-public-key.asc

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Summary: A desktop and multimedia oriented RPM repository for EL. It contains a lot of graphical programs such as Ardour, but also text based apps line Cone.

Содержит в том числе библиотеки типа libmad и k2b-extras, которые не входят в Centos по лицензионным соображениям.

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