А вот и конфиги
Works great on Slackware 9.1 (now slackware-current). Using the ATI's 3.2.8 drivers. XFree86 4.3.0
Works fine with WineX-CVS, UT2004demo, basically anything OpenGL that I have tried.
http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=68 3
I have been seeing a lot of problems installing the new ATI drivers with the 2.6.7 kernel and Slackware 10 so heres the solution, it's how I did it.
First, download the new ATI drivers from www.ati.com as of right now they should be 3.9.
The 2.6.7 kernel requires a patch download it from here
Heres the very first thing I do
***NOTE: I rename my files for my sake replace the filename with the filename you have***
1. rpm2tgz fglrx.rpm
this will change the rpm file to a .tgz for all you noobs out there.
***installpkg and the following steps are done as root***
2. installpkg fglrx.tgz
this will install the fglrx drivers required for your card
3. cp fglrx-2.6.7.patch /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod
this will copy the patch to the appropriate directory
4. patch -p1 < fglrx-2.6.7.patch
this will patch the current drivers to work with the 2.6.7 kernel
5. chmod +x make.sh
makes make.sh executable
6. sh make.sh
runs make.sh, if you get any errors during this about agpgart then you need to recompile your kernel to use agpgart as a module refer to the Kernel Compiling stickies
7. cd ..
if you dont know what this does then you shouldn't even be using Linux
8. chmod +x make_install.sh
once again makes make_install.sh executable
9. sh make_install.sh
that should install the drivers no problem, now onto configuring your X server
I perfer to hand edit the xorg.conf file instead of using fglrxconfig because it usually screws my server up so.
10. joe /etc/X11/xorg.conf
you can use whatever editor you'd like here, open up the file and change the approriate lines
Under the section "Module Section" under load glx add
load "dri"
Under the section "Graphics Device Section"
Section "Device"
Identifier "fglrx"
Driver "fglrx"
Under the section "Screen Sections"
Device "fglrx"
At the very bottom of the file add this
Section "DRI"
Group 0
Mode 0666
Bam save the file and you should have acceleration, if anyone wants me to I will post my xorg.conf file
*** EDIT ***
If you want to test your driver install goto a terminal and type glxgears
Also if you are running the 2.4.x kernel you don't need to apply the patch
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